
    中文版 English 大学主页



      题  目:  100% Renewable based Energy  System

      报告人:  Prof. Jacob stergaard

      时  间:  2017年6月8日(周四)上午10:30-11:30

      地  点:  教五楼C103 学术报告厅



     报告摘要(Abstract ):

      Denmark is a frontrunner for renewable energy development and energy solutions. It has an ambitious energy plan to realize 100% renewable based energy system by 2050. The tremendous success of renewable energy sources (RESs) is based on many years of dedicated research and technology development. Further improvements of the technologies are needed, and novel concepts must be developed to continue the success and realize the cost efficient and secure future 100% renewable based energy system.

      In this talk, Prof. Jacob will present the status of the energy system development in Denmark, specially focused on the digital solutions to realize cost efficient and secure operation of the future 100% renewable based energy system. He will give a few examples of the digital energy solutions for the future energy system, i.e., new digital solutions for managing power systems with high share of renewables, new ways of engaging people, etc.




     报告人简介(Bio of the Speaker ):


      Jacob stergaard is a Professor and the Head of Center for Electric Power and Energy (CEE) at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU).The center has approximately 100 staff members and it covers the following fields:

      1.) electric components (high voltage engineering, rotating machines, power electronics);2.)distributed energy resources (storage, electric vehicles, PV);3.) power systems (wind power integration, stability, control);4.) energy system operation (smart energy, flexibility, aggregation); and 5.) analytics and markets (market designs, forecasting, energy data).

      His research focuses on the development of the future sustainable intelligent energy system with increased environmental friendly generation including wind energy.This include integration of different energy infrastructures into a single coherent energy system. The ambition is to offer innovative technological solutions using new technology within data, IT, communication and power and energy enabling a green growth to the benefit of the society and the industry.


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