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IEEE Grenoble PowerTech 2013征文通知


 IEEE Grenoble PowerTech 2013
"Towards carbon free through smarter grids"
The 10th IEEE Power Tech Conference will be held in Grenoble, France on June 16-20, 2013.
The event is sponsored by the IEEE Power and Energy Society.
PowerTech is the anchor conference of IEEE Power and Energy Society in Europe. It is held biannually, and our conference follows the successful event in Trondheim last year, as well as 9 other conferences since Athens in 1993. The web site of the conference can be found on http://powertech2013.grenoble-inp.fr
It will be organized by Grenoble Institute of Technology, France with the support of the local PES chapter of IEEE.
The deadline for submissions of abstracts is October 15, 2012. Enclosed kindly find the first call for papers.
The conference brings together academia, researchers, industry and institutions involved in power engineering at national and international levels, in order to exchange views on the advances in this field and what should be the direction of developments of smartgrids for carbon free society.
The PowerTech Conference maintains a suitable balance between contributions from industry and academia and also provides a bridge between generations. The interest from enthusiastic young practicing engineers and PhD students wishing to publish their work increased from event to event.
The most valuable IEEE student work is recompensed with the Basil Papadias award, which has been also an important ingredient toward the event's success.
The event is fully sponsored by the IEEE Power and Energy Society, thus accepted papers will be published in IEEEXplore if at least one author registers AND the paper is presented at the Conference (compliant with IEEE rules for conferences).
Special Sessions based on PES Transactions papers will also be organized.
Key deadlines to note:
•15 October 2012    Deadline for extended abstract submission
•10 December 2012  Notification of acceptance
•15 February 2013   Deadline for full paper submission
•15 March 2013     Final acceptance of paper
•16-20 June 2013    POWERTECH 2013
Following is a non-exhaustive list of topics which are suitable for this conference (full list is in the PS of this email and in the following webpage:http://powertech2013.grenoble-inp.fr/topics.php)
•Advanced technologies for SmartGrids
•Central generation challenges
•Renewable energy and storage for power grids challenges
•Electrical Vehicles (EV) integration challenges
•Smartgrids and T&D issues
•New opportunities in Energy Management
•ICT and Power Systems
•Innovative modeling and Optimization tools for Smart Grids
•Market, regulation and standardization issues
For more updated information about the conference and abstract submission kindly visit the web site: http://powertech2013.grenoble-inp.fr or contact powertech2013@grenoble-inp.fr
The PowerTech 2013 organizing committee
征文海报下载: Files/flyerPowerTech2013.pdf


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